Guard Checksums

The codeguard processing nodes generate checksums during the processing of the application, which are then used to verify the integrity of the code.

The purpose of guard checksums is to provide a granular level of security for the code by focusing on specific regions of the code. This allows for the detection of tampering in specific areas of the code, rather than relying on a single checksum for the entire codebase.


Guard checksums are automatically generated during the processing of the application by the codeguard processing nodes.

These nodes automatically identify specific regions of the code and generate checksums for them. The checksums are then stored in our servers. When a code change is detected, the checksums are recalculated and compared to the stored checksums to detect any tampering.

If tampering traces are found, an alert is generated to notify the user of the potential attack. The user can then investigate the code change and take appropriate action.

Checksum Hints

CodeGuard provides a way for users to emphasize which parts of the code should to be protected more. This allows users to provide hints to the Codeguard processor, directing it to create more guards for the marked regions of code.

This is particularly useful for code that contains sensitive information or business logic that is critical to the application's functionality.

It is important to note that the use of hints is optional and not required for the proper functioning of Codeguard. However, it can provide an additional layer of security by directing the codeguard processor to focus on specific regions of code that are deemed critical by the user.

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