
You can store your frequently used credentials in files managed by our CLI.

The CLI will utilize the profile set as 'default' during its creation. If you establish a new set of credentials and mark it as 'default', the previous settings will no longer serve as the default.

To modify specific settings, you can either use the appropriate environment variable or apply a command-line parameter.

Creating a profile from an API Token

  1. Choose the token that you want to use to access the panel through the CLI, if you don't have a token then click here

  2. You can store the token with the command cyphor cli auth add NAME VALUE


cyphor cli auth add desktop ZpGsX0HXbrvPJ2KVu6yT9kp3dicl3um7xX6lbejx

  • This will store the profile desktopwith the value ZpGsX0HXbrvPJ2KVu6yT9kp3dicl3um7xX6lbejx

  • Now, instead of specifying the literal token, you can use desktop instead.

  • Tokens are local and aren't shared between organization members.

Local storage

Your keys and secrets are stored in a local folder managed by the CLI, using IDataProtectionProvider (reference to docs). However, we provide flexibility to tailor the data protection mechanism to fit your specific security needs.

Last updated